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Rethink ventilation for a safe return to schools after COVID-19 pandemic

CO2 Check

Press Trust of India, July 6, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on everyone and we are all looking forward to getting back to normal. But an ill-planned return could result in new COVID-19 waves, which means more stay-at-home orders and further economic decline and mental stress challenges.

This is exacerbated by the appearance of new variants of concern, which are more infectious. Recent reports showed that the Delta and Kappa variants, which were detected in India, can be transmitted in seconds by simply walking next to an infected individual.

Planning the smooth resumption of indoor activities under current circumstances can be challenging because there are many factors involved in ensuring a safe return. Ventilation in schools needs to be improved before kids return to class and safety measures must be tested and followed.


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